Youth events
Each year we host two annual surf competition at Linda Mar Beach, inviting the entire Pedro Point Surf Community and other association club members. These are our most popular event, bringing hundreds of surfers and spectators together for a full day of fun and friendship. Participants range in age from Menehunes as young as six years-old, with a contest dedicated to 18 and under.
Volunteer Opportunities
The Pedro Point Surf Club is a non-profit, 501c3. We support environmental groups, ocean safety and beach clean up organizations that help keep our oceans and beaches safe. We welcome sponsors from across the Bay Area. Every bit helps. For more information about sponsorship opportunities. Please connect with us at ppsurfclub@gmail.com.
Community Involvement
Community volunteer opportunities includes beach clean ups, water safety training and water pollution testing in partnership with San Mateo County Surf Rider Foundation. Historically our contests have also been a great way to bring our club members together at our local break. There are several opportunities for to volunteer throughout the day. Everything From set up, judging, registration, food donations breakdown and clean up. The more people involved, the more fun for everyone.